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Recycled Yarns

This is where you'll find our entire selection of high-quality Recycled Yarns. These yarns are considered vegan by most people, as they have been manufactured using an eco-friendly, vegan process. We do however feel compelled to add a disclaimer; when fabrics are recycled, there can never be a 100% guarantee that not a single animal fibre was accidentally mixed in with the collected, discarded clothes. The dyes used on all our recycled yarns is vegan, the base fibres are also plant-based. If in doubt, or you have any questions regarding the recycling process of a certain yarn, please feel free to contact us and we'll do our best to answer your questions.


Each one of our yarns has been carefully selected and researched to ensure that you can buy and use them with a clear conscience and peace of mind. Each yarn has been tested by the members of our team and you can find the results of those tests in the info section of each yarn.

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